Friends of Maiti Nepal

A USA based 501c3 non-profit corporation working directly with Maiti Nepal.

Maiti Nepal is an organization which was started 20 years ago in Kathmandu, Nepal  by a social worker Anuradha Koirala. Her mission was to rescue young children, mostly girls from sex slavery, providing housing, healthcare and education. Her program, a rehabilitation center in Kathmandu has grown to Twelve Intervention Outposts to prevent girls from being traffickedMaiti Nepal volunteers, who have been rescued from the Indian brothels themselves, watch for the pimps crossing the border with innocent girls who are ignorant of their fate.  The Intervention Outposts serve as "safe houses" providing shelter for short stays, ensuring safe passage home when this is appropriate, and working with the police to apprehend traffickers. Mahendragar, at right is a typical Intervention Outpost. Friends of Maiti Nepal is concentrating on raising funds to support the courageous girls who are saving their sisters at the Intervention Outposts of Maiti Nepal.

News Bulletin!

MIRAGLO Foundation is taking donations

for the victims of the Nepal Earthquake!

MIRAGO Foundation is linked directly to Nepal through Anuradha Koirala, a CNN Hero, who created Maiti Nepal in Kathmandu, Nepal and has rescued approximately 12,000 young children and through the Mountain Fund.  Andersen Cooper of CNN just interviewed Anuradha Koirala again regarding the devastating earthquake.  To watch the CNN interview by Anderson Cooper uploaded on April 30, 2015.  Click Here -


Your online donation will make a critical difference.

MIRAGO Foundation provides assurance that your donation

will go directly to those in need.


Click Here to Donate.


MIRAGO Foundation, 501(c)3 non-profit, was born after Pacific Pearl La Jolla’s Rauni Prittinen King, R.N.  and  Mimi Guarneri, M.D. spent years traveling extensively to developing  countries and witnessed the poverty and human suffering.  When in Maiti Nepal in Kathmandu, the team met the founder Anuradha Koirala--a social worker and CNN Hero--who has rescued approximately 12,000 young children.  Of the 12,000 most were girls saved from human trafficking and sex slavery.  MIRAGLO Foundation  has been assisting by providing housing, healthcare and educational grants since its inception in 2011.


In the aftermath of this devastating earthquake, this service is in critical need. Currently Maiti Nepal (Mother’s Home) houses 425 girls and Ms. Koirala is planning to take an additional 200 young lives into her home.  Funding is needed immediately to provide for these children in Nepal.  Your contribution to MIRAGLO Foundation will support Anuradha Koirala’s critical work at Maiti Nepal and will also go towards “Mountain Fund” Project in Himalayas that provide similar services for women and children in need.  Learn more and donate through the Miraglo Foundation.


  • Maiti Nepal is an organization which was started 20 years ago in Kathmandu, Nepal  by a social worker Anuradha Koirala. Her mission was to rescue young children, mostly girls from sex slavery, providing housing, healthcare and education. Her program, a rehabilitation center in Kathmandu, has grown to twelve Intervention Outposts to prevent girls from being trafficked. Maiti Nepal volunteers, who have been rescued from the Indian brothels themselves, watch for the pimps crossing the border with innocent girls who are ignorant of their fate.  The Intervention Outposts serve as "safe houses" providing shelter for short stays, ensuring safe passage home when this is appropriate, and working with the police to apprehend traffickers. We help raise funds to support the courageous girls who are saving their sisters at the Intervention Outposts of Maiti Nepal.


  • The Mountain Fund  was created to bring hope to children and women in  the Himalayas by making their livelihood in a safe environment, by receiving education and healthcare. Founded in 2005, the Mountain Fund aims to create healthy, vibrant mountain communities where people have access to healthcare, education and economic opportunity in an environment where human rights are valued and respected. To achieve this goal, we sponsor community-based initiatives that prioritize respect for the local culture and the environment. The focus is to provide education by building schools. In mountain communities the suffering caused by poverty can be overwhelming as the needs for basic amenities far outstrip the local resources. Our approach to sustainable development is to first identify needs that can be fulfilled today, with very little funding and by local protagonists committed to the advancement of their communities. The Mountain Fund then works hand-in-hand with community leaders to develop and implement effective solutions to outstanding problems in their villages.


MIRAGLO works directly with the people in USA and Nepal

that are handling these projects and

assure you that your funds will go directly to the needy.


Anderson Cooper Interviews CNN Hero and Miraglo Foundation Recipient,Anuradha Koirala, in Nepal on the Devastation & Immediate Needs - video: