Every year, The Miraglo Foundation supports non-profit environmental program Green Sakthi with a generous gift. Green Sakthi grows and plants trees, manages 2 tons of waste each day, and educates local school children on environmental sustainability. Based in rural South India and founded by living saint Sri Sakthi Amma, Green Sakthi is a collective committed to deepening the relationship between people and nature. Its mission is to inspire children and adults around the world to connect and care for nature through environmental education and hands-on experience with the earth.
Miraglo earmarks funds specifically for Green Sakthi’s solar kitchens. Traditionally, rural, poor Indian families harvest wood and cook over fires. These tens of thousands of individual fires create air pollution and deforestation.
Using an array of solar collectors, the Green Sakthi’s solar kitchens are 100% non-polluting. They cook one ton of rice each day, feeding 5,000 at no cost to them. Also, the solar kitchens prevent 1 ton of trees from being harvested every day.
In the Green Sakthi Nursery – all saplings planted start from seed and are nurtured until ready for planting.
The Miraglo Foundation is a California-based 501(c)(3) non-profit, dedicated to providing healthcare and education to the underserved, locally and globally. 100% of donations to Miraglo reach the designated organization. Please call Rauni Prittinen King, RN, MIH, at 858-459-6919 x239 or email rking@miraglofoundation.com to explore how you can support Green Sakthi.
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