Green Sakthi is a non-profit environmental program that grows and plants trees, manages 2 tons of waste each day and educates local school children in all things Mother Earth. Green Sakthi is a collective committed to deepening the relationship between people and nature. It’s founded in the idea that if…...
2nd World Congress: Integrative Medicine and Health
Integrative Health and Medicine in the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease Rome, September 20-23, 2023 Noncommunicable diseases are on the rise globally and locally. Diseases such as: Obesity, diabetes, sleep apnea, dyslipidemia, hypertension are all risk factors for Cardiovascular Disease. Environmental toxins such as heavy metals and air pollution…...
Miraglo Foundation Makes Dozens of Scholarships Available for AIHM 2020 Virtual Conference
We are pleased to announce that the Miraglo Foundation is providing dozens of scholarships to healthcare students and professionals outside the United States for the upcoming Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine’s 2020 Conference People, Planet, and Purpose. This opportunity is made possible by a generous grant from The Don…...
Behind Rauni Prittinen King’s Affirmations
Dear Readers: Rauni began her Affirmations series to provide emotional support during the coronavirus pandemic. Click here to receive her series in your inbox regularly. Read her initial message here: Monday, April 13, 2020 Dear Friends, For many of us, it feels that our life is out of control. We face…...
Miraglo Supports: Green Sakthi
Every year, The Miraglo Foundation supports non-profit environmental program Green Sakthi with a generous gift. Green Sakthi grows and plants trees, manages 2 tons of waste each day, and educates local school children on environmental sustainability. Based in rural South India and founded by living saint Sri Sakthi Amma, Green…...
Miraglo Supports: Sri Narayani Hospital & Research Center
In 2018, the President of India, Shri. Ram Nath Kovind helped open the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory and Open Heart Surgery Suite at Sri Narayani Hospital. Medical Director Balaji Nandagopal, MD (far left) looks on. In 2016, Miraglo Foundation provided the seed money for to a new cardiac catheterization laboratory and…...
Health of People, Health of Planet and Our Responsibility to Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health
Declaration of the Health of People, Health of Planet and Our Responsibility Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health Workshop Statement of the Problem With unchecked climate change and air pollution, the very fabric of life on Earth, including that of humans, is at grave risk. We propose scalable solutions to…...
Advancing Heart Care in Southern India
The Miraglo Foundation is pleased to announce its support of the Sri Narayani Hospital & Research Centre in rural Southern India, specifically, the build out of a Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory and an Open Heart Surgery Suite. The SNHRC has already made remarkable progress in advancing clinical care thanks to generous donations…...
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