Biofield Science and Healing Conference

September 12-14, 2014 at Pacific Pearl La Jolla, California

Select group of scientists come together to discuss current knowledge of consciousness and healing, and to formulate an interdisciplinary, collaborative strategic plan to advance biofield science. WATCH THE VIDEOS BELOW

Dr. Mimi Guarneri is President, Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine; Medical Director, Guarneri Integrative Health, Inc. at Pacific Pearl La Jolla, California

Rauni Prittinen King is Executive Director of Miraglo Foundation and Guarneri Integrative Health, Inc. at Pacific Pearl La Jolla, California

Dr. Jain is Founder and Director of Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI); Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, UCSD

Rev. Barsotti is a Spiritual and Medical Intuitive, HEAL and THRIVE; Ph.D. candidate, California Institute for Human Scienc

Rev. Bruyere is Founder, Director and Teacher of the Healing Light Center Church; Member, Board of Advisors, American Holistic Health Association

Dr. McCraty is Director of Research, HeartMath Research Center

Dr. Hammerschlag is Institute Scholar, The Institute for Integrative Health; Dean Emeritus, Research, Oregon College of Oriental Medicine

Dr. Paul Mills is Professor of Psychiatry, UCSD; Director of Research, Chopra Foundation

Professor Kafatos is Fletcher Jones endowed Professor of Computational Physics; Director, Center of Excellence CEESMO; Schmid Colege of Science and Technology, Chapman University, Orange California

Dr. Chesney is Director, UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine; Professor of Medicine, UCSF and Technology, Chapman University, Orange California

Lauren Evanow is Advisor to Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI); Integrative Energy Healer

Dr. Oschman is President, Nature’s Own Research Association; Biophysicist

Dr. Chevalier is Research Director, Psy-Tek Laboratories

Dr. Radin is Chief Scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences; Co-Editor-in-Chief, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing

Dr. Viccario is Director, Integrative Oncology, San Diego Cancer Research Institute

Dr. Vieten is Scientist, California Pacific Medical Center; President, Institute of Noetic Sciences

Dr. Rubik is President and Founder of Institute for Frontier Science; Biophysicist

Dr. Badri Rickhi  – Research Chair, Canadian Institute of Natural and integrative Medicine; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Calgary

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