Advancing Heart Care in Southern India
Sri Narayani Hospital & Research Center
The SNHRC is a 250-bed multi-specialty hospital in the Tamil Nadu region and serves thousands of patients monthly by providing diagnostics, imaging services, surgical procedures, complimentary food and medicines, and aftercare. Due to the overwhelming need for specialty care, a 150-bed Specialty Hospital opened its doors in the spring of 2016 with a new, critical need to build a state-of-the-art space to perform angioplasty, stenting and open-heart surgery.
“Over the last 15 years, the region has faced a substantial increase in demand for cardiac services due to a high rate of diabetes, which ultimately leads to heart disease. Many children with congenital abnormalities or heart valve issues related to untreated rheumatic fever are waiting for open-heart surgery.” Dr. Balaji, Director
As the Director of the SNHRC, Dr.Balaji Nandagopal, PhD, MACE, FIMSA, FACSc strives to set a standard of excellence and serve patients with all conditions, we at Miraglo Foundation have a unique opportunity to facilitate the completion of the Specialty Hospital. A tremendous undertaking, together, we believe we can advance the prevention, early detection, and treatment of cardiovascular care in an underserved community.
The Miraglo Foundation is pleased to announce its support of the Sri Narayani Hospital & Research Centre in rural Southern India, specifically, the build out of a Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory and an Open Heart Surgery Suite. The SNHRC has already made remarkable progress in advancing clinical care thanks to generous donations from friends around the world. This new, $800,000 endeavor to expand specialty services, invites further participation.
Mobilizing for Heart Care
For decades, cardiologist Mimi Guarneri MD, FACC and Rauni Prittinen King RN, MIH have been dedicated to cardiovascular care, education and research. After many trips to India and to SNHRC, we have witnessed that a vision like this, in a region with limited financial resources, can only be realized through strong financial support. Because of this, we are mobilizing on behalf of the Sri Narayani Hospital & Research Centre, and we are boosting the fundraising effort to build the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory and Open Heart Surgery Suite.
Miraglo is excited to pledge $50,000 toward an $800,000 goal and is inviting partners and friends to participate in this effort. Gifts of all sizes will help accelerate the building plans, will ensure the laboratory and operating suite is equipped with the latest technology, and will ultimately make a world of difference in the lives of patients at the Sri Narayani Hospital. We hope you will join us in this life saving opportunity.
For more information or to make a gift, please e-mail Rauni Prittinen King, President and Executive Director, or Dr. Mimi Guarneri, Treasurer: .
Donations by credit card visit and mention SNHRC fund. Thank you